MESA’s gesture-controlled software application allows messages and information to come alive on Central Hub and Resource Link®. People automatically experience a sensation of FUN because of nature of the digital kiosk and the connection to the gaming world. This technology and software system allows people to engage kinesthetically. We bring together sight, sound, and motion to enhance this multi-sensory experience, which activates more of the brain and allows information to be more easily accessible. By activating more of the brain, the benefits of gesture control also include increased memory and recall—thereby increasing the overall engagement experience.
The Access Portal allows businesses, organizations, or educators to obtain interaction data, WITHOUT BIAS, in real-time, through any web browser, and this data is presented in an easy-to-read format, e.g., number of selections and interaction duration. No data analyst is required! Messages or information can be changed at any time with templates or by uploading proprietary, creative designs. Once the content is submitted it must be approved, then it becomes immediately accessible to people on the digital kiosk. QR codes allow for engagement tracking on CHRL.
We stand by our product AND our clients! MESA’s goal is to provide clients the help they need to perform all account functions through the Access Portal. This affords them the confidence and support needed to fully maximize CHRL’s capabilities. MESA will continually monitor the success of each message and landing page to identify trends that produce results. These discoveries will be shared with clients, empowering them to update and change content on the digital kiosk, as necessary.
MESA has created attractive, integrated software and data extraction that demonstrate the base functionality of our product. This strong base software allows any business, organization, or educator to fully customize the portal, along with the front-end experience on CHRL through digital kiosks. Our flexible and diverse software also allows multi-program integration to meet the needs and requirements—regardless of industry.
According to Healthline, touch screens in public spaces are known to colonize an average of 253,857 colony-forming units per square inch. Central Hub and Resource Link™ is a digital kiosk that will overcome this health concern and eliminates the need for touch screens through gesture control while allowing people to have fun and safely engage at their own pace.
The licensing opportunity MESA offers, allows your business to generate additional revenue by selling advertising space to other businesses. This advertising will be displayed on the digital kiosk. MESA can assist your business in developing a strategy or providing billing services.
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P: 844.637.2224
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